Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How To Prevent Prostate Problems and Diseases?

The prostate gland is an essential part of a male's reproductive system. It secretes fluids that aid in the transportation and activation of sperm. The prostate gland is located just in front of the rectum, below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. When there is prostate problem, it is usually very uncomfortable and inconvenient for the patient as his urinary system is directly affected.

The common prostate health problems are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

Prostate infection, also known as prostatitis, is the most common prostate-related problem in men younger than 55 years old. Infections of the prostate gland are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common of all types of prostate infection. It is caused by bacteria found in the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may experience fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated by using antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve the swelling.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a condition associated with a particular defect in the gland and the persistence presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. It can be caused by trauma to the urinary tract or by infections originating from other parts of the body. A patient may experience testicular pain, lower back pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it can be treated by removal of the prostate defect followed by the use antibiotics and NSAIDs to treat the inflammation.

Non-bacterial prostatitis accounts for approximately 90% of all prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not yet to establish the causes of these conditions. Some researchers believe that chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur because of unknown infectious agents while other believe that intensive exercise and heavy lifting can cause these infections.

Maintaining a Healthy Prostate

To prevent prostate diseases, a proper diet is important. These are some of the things you can do to keep your prostate healthy.

1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is necessary for general health and it will also keep the urinary track clean.

2. Some studies suggest that a few ejaculations per week will help to prevent prostate cancer.

3. Eat red meat in moderation. It has been shown that consuming more than four meals of beef a week will increase the risk of prostate diseases and cancer.

4. Maintain a proper diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to ensure sufficient intake of nutrients necessary for prostate health.

The most important measure to take to ensure a healthy prostate is to go for regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years old and above, you should go for prostate examination at least once a year.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about the early symptoms of prostate cancer, please visit prostate problems symptoms.
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Breast Cancer - Early Detection is Important to Women’s Health

Most women know that keeping an eye on their breasts is essential to their health and well being. By doing monthly breast exams, women get an idea of how their breasts are supposed to look and feel. When something feels out of the ordinary, they will likely turn to their physician for an official diagnosis. Their physician will then conduct a breast exam and then order other tests. These include: MRIs, ultrasounds, mammograms and PET scans.

Any one of these tests can cause great anxiety for a woman. They are already worried about what could be wrong with their breasts. However, each one of these tests is vital to their health for three reasons.

- It helps to detect breast cancer in its early stages. That’s when breast cancer can be treated the most.

- It helps doctors determine and design a plan of action that is best for the woman’s needs.

- It helps doctors determine how to go about with the patient’s ongoing care.

To fight breast cancer, there are two testing stages: screening tests and diagnostic tests.

First, screening tests involve a yearly physical exam and mammogram. These are done during a woman’s annual physical exam. Often times, a woman with breast cancer will not exhibit any signs of the disease in its early stages thus screening tests are vital in finding and diagnosing the illness.

What is a mammogram? A mammogram is an X-ray machine and is usually the first tool used by doctors to locate breast cancer. For women ages 50 and over, mammograms have been able to reduce the number of women with breast cancer from dying by 35 percent. When women ages 40 to 50 years old get mammograms, their chances are also lowered by 25 percent to 35 percent. When the disease is found in its early stages by a mammogram, women have a greater chance of keeping their breasts instead of needing a mastectomy which can scar a woman for years to come.

Second, diagnosis testing involves more advanced technology devices including a magnetic resonance imaging machine or better known as the MRI and ultrasound. Doctors may also do bone scans and blood tests to get full confirmation of the illness.

What is a MRI? A MRI machine utilizes magnetic fields to obtain pictures of the body. When a doctor orders tests on a woman’s breast, technicians will use a breast coil to keep it in place. When a MRI is being done, the patient must lie absolutely still during the procedure. There are many advantages to using the MRI to detect breast cancer but it is also very expensive and can cause some metal objects in the body to move.

What is an ultrasound? An ultrasound uses sound waves of high frequency to give doctors a picture of the breast. Ultrasounds are usually done after a breast lump is found. It will allow the doctor to determine if the lump is firm. Yet, this device cannot give doctors the pertinent, need to know information on what kind of lump it is. That is… if the lump is benign or malignant . Ultrasounds can help doctors with biopsy needles by using it to guide the needle directly to the suspicious tissue.

It’s very important that women are screened and tested each year so they increase their chances of surviving this deadly disease.

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Breast Cancer Research and Women's Health

Doctors and researchers are sifting through tons of promising data to conclude how breast cancer occurs. From there, they hope to find ways that will prevent the disease from striking women. To this day, doctors are baffled by the mystery surrounding this silent killer. Why do some women get breast cancer but others do not?

Every person knows someone who is suffering or has suffered from breast cancer. When faced with this particular issue, many women wonder if they too will become afflicted with the disease. This is a normal reaction to something fearful. Women often look for ways to lessen their chances of getting breast cancer. However, there just isn’t enough prevention data out for women to make effective health choices to keep the disease at bay. There is no way to prevent the disease from striking a woman at the present moment.

Researchers are looking to two factors, internal and external, which affect women’s health, thus increasing the chances of them getting the disease.

Internal Factors

What sort of internal factors are used by researchers in determining why a woman may or may not get breast cancer? For starters, they will look at genetics. Those are the genes that are given at conception by the parents. Next, hormones are then looked at followed by illness, feelings and finally thoughts.

External Factors

What sort of external factors do researchers look at when making a breast cancer determination in women? They tend to look at the air everyone breathes, the food and drinks that are consumed. They’ll look at music and noise as well as people and lastly, stress. Each day, the external factors enter the human body. Another thing researchers look at when dissecting the factors is how these external factors are inhaled into the body. This can include the home, the workplace or the people women are around.

Researchers know that two factors will have a direct impact on a woman’s breast health. These direct impacts include the genetic makeup of the woman or medicines that she is taking to live healthier. However, little information is known regarding the indirect factors that can affect a woman’s breast health. These indirect factors include but aren’t limited to: exercise, air quality, time together with friends/family and meditation.

When trying to understand breast cancer and its factors, women need to know that anything that amplifies their chances of getting the disease is a risk factor. When a factor reduces the woman’s chance of getting breast cancer, it’s known as a protective factor.

Women do have some control over breast cancer risk factors. For instance, if a woman is overweight, she can lose the extra baggage she carries. An informed decision regarding the medicines she takes is another control factor.

While women can controls some aspects of their health, there are still many others they cannot change. This includes gender. Women are at much greater risk than men to develop breast cancer. Why? Men’s bodies do not have near as much estrogen and progesterone which is vital in growing normal and abnormal breast cells. Another factor that cannot be changed is age. Growing older is a part of life.

If a woman wants to reduce her chances of getting breast cancer, she could find ways to raise the protective factors to outweigh the internal factors that are already working against her. However, controlling those factors to work in her favor does not mean she will not get breast cancer. Yet, women can be at high risk to get the disease but never develop it.

Women should always speak with their physician regarding their risk factors behind breast cancer. The more women know, the better the chance of surviving this disease.

eCancerAnswers.net is a comprehensive Cancer guide that covers topics from Cancer Signs to Prostate Cancer and Chemotherapy.

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Lung Cancer - Facts, Prevention And Treatment

Many smokers tend to quit at least once if not twice in their lifetime. Yet, they may not utilize several techniques to help them completely quit thus getting stuck in a cycle of not being able to stop. However, if a smoker wants to prevent being diagnosed with lung cancer, it’s vital they get some help. What kind of help is there?

- Nicotine gum

- Nicotine inhalers

- Nicotine sprays; among many more

Smokers already know how to lessen their chances of getting lung cancer. Yet, non smokers are still at risk of getting lung cancer by being exposed to passive smoking. Non smokers may be exposed to radon gas and not even know it. For that reason, radon gas test kits are important in identifying the levels of gas inside their home. Radon gas is capable of causing lung cancer to appear in non smokers with limited history of passive smoking.

Doctors can use the helical low-dose CT scan to help them to identify and diagnose lung cancer in patients. These scans may be able to detect smaller cancers that are usually cured by surgical means thus preventing the spread of an incurable cancer.

The Facts behind Lung Cancer

Of all cancers, including breast cancer in women, diagnosed in the United States and around the globe, this disease is the primary killer in men and in women.

Despite the existence of passive smoking, cigarette smoking, not including cigar smoking, is a main favor behind lung cancer growth.

When a non smoker is exposed to tobacco smoke, there is an increased risk lung cancer due to the passive smoke.

There are actually two forms of lung cancer. The first is small cell lung cancers or SCLC. SCLC has been found to be the most aggressive. Survival of this aggressive cancer when it is untreated is about two to four months. Yet, it does respond well to chemo and radiation therapies. Survival rate increases through this treatment methods. The second is non small cell lung cancer or NSCLC. Cancers of this form usually will need to be surgically removed to be an effective treatment method. A small number of patients with SCLS can be helped by radition therapy. However, if the disease is in its advanced stages, there is a small chance of survival through chemotherapy treatment.

How extensive the disease, the size of the tumor, what sort of symptoms the patient has and the kind of lung cancer will determine at what stage the lung cancer is classified by doctors. Physicians will use x-rays, MRI scans, CT scan and bone scans to also determine the stage of the lung cancer.

Lung cancer treatments can involve any number of options including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Treatments may also be combined to achieve success in beat the cancer. Some lung cancer patients may be invited to participate in experimental treatments.

Lung cancer survival, unlike other cancer types, has a low rate. Generally, survival rates are approximately 16 percent for five years.

Quitting smoking is the most vital way that can reduce the chances of getting lung cancer.

eCancerAnswers.net is a comprehensive Cancer guide that covers topics from Cancer to Cancer Risk Factors and Breast Cancer.

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Causes of Lung Cancer - Information You Need to Know

More men and women die from lung cancer than any other cancers. Who is most susceptible to this disease? Nearly 70 percent of the elderly 65 and older will be diagnosed with this disease. Three percent of lung cancer cases have appeared in people younger than 45 years old.

Until the 1930s, cancer of the lungs was not as prevalent but still quite common. However, once there was an increase of tobacco smoking use, lung cancer cases rose drastically. As information and education circulates about the hidden dangers of smoking, lung cancer related deaths are beginning to see a decline. Despite all the education and the public awareness, it’s still a common human cancer. For women, breast cancer is no longer the number one killer. Lung cancer has exceeded breast cancer related deaths.

Lung Cancer Causes

Smoking – Most lung cancer related deaths (about 90 percent) have been associated with smoking. Each time a person smokes a cigarette, they increase their chances of getting lung cancer. Based upon doctors’ formula regarding the quantity of packs to the amount of years smoked, someone who has a 30 pack to year history has a greater chance to develop lung cancer. For those people who smoke two, three or more packs a day, statistics show that one in seven diagnosed will die from the disease. Cigarette smoking is not the only culprit to lung cancer. Cigar smoking and pipe smoking can also lead to the disease at a lower rate. Those who smoke cigars or pipe smoke are five times more likely to get lung cancer than a person who never smoked.

The smoke found in tobacco has over 4,000 element compounds. Many of these are cancer causing. Two key carcinogens are polycyclic aromatic hdrycarbons and nitrosamines. Once a person has given up tobacco use, lung cancer risks decreases every year. Normal cells will begin to grow and outnumber damaged lung cells. After 15 years of not smoking, lung processes and the threat of the disease gets close to that of someone who has never smoked.

Passive Smoking – What is passive smoking? This is when people who are in close quarters smokers breathe in the smoke filled air. Those who don’t smoke have a 24 percent likelihood to develop lung cancer if they live with a smoker. Nearly 3,000 deaths can be associated with passive smoking.

Asbestos Fibers – Mesothelioma and lung cancer through asbestos exposure is high. People who work in asbestos related fields and smoke dramatically increase their chances of getting a lung cancer connected disease. When compared with their non smoking counterparts, they have a 50 to 90 percent greater risk of getting lung cancer or other lung related illness.

Radon Gas – Radon gas has been documented to be the next leading cause in lung cancer deaths, killing anywhere from 15,000 to 22,000 people in the United States every year. Like asbestos exposure, radon exposure augments lung cancer risks. The gas is able to travel through soil. It can gain entrance into homes by the gaps found in its foundation, its drains and its pipes. Nearly one in 15 homes is found with dangerous level of radon gas according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Can a person tell if their home has high amounts of radon gas? Only by a kit. The gas cannot be smelled, nor can be it seen.

Genetics – It’s true that most cases of lung cancer can be linked back to smoking. However, not every smoker will get the disease. That means other factors like genetics could play a part behind the causes of lung cancer. Studies have revealed that cancer can and does occur in families that have smokers and nonsmokers. It would seem a gene can increase the vulnerability of smokers in getting lung cancer.

Lung Diseases – When a smoker or even non smoker has other lung diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), they are at an increased risk to develop the disease even if they quit smoking and all the effects have worn away.

History of Lung Disease – People with a record of lung cancer are at a higher risk of developing it a second time. People who have survived a non-small cell lung cancers have a one to two percent risk to getting the disease a second time while those who have beaten small cell lung cancers have a six percent increase each year.

Air Pollution – The chances of getting lung cancer from air pollution is raised in individuals that breathe in polluted air every day. Pollution from cars, power plants and industrialized areas increases these risks. Yet, they only account for one percent of lung cancer related deaths. Experts have suggested that every day exposure to air heavily polluted can be compared to passive smoking.

eCancerAnswers.net is a comprehensive Cancer guide that covers topics from Cancer Symptoms to Breast Cancer and Cancer Treatment.

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Will Cancer Come Back After Chemo?

For people who have already suffered through cancer, it can be devastating to learn that their cancer has returned. After going through all kinds of cancer treatments including the often-upsetting chemotherapy to have a doctor tell you that your cancer has come back is like a slap in the face. So if there is some way to get some kind of guarantee that the cancer won't return any way at all cancer sufferers would likely quickly grab it.

Well, there are no guarantees in life we all know that. There is no way to guarantee that your cancer will stay away after you have gone through chemotherapy or any other forms of treatment. Actually, cancer is in all of us just ready to break out. Thankfully we have an immune system. There is, however, a way that you can try to prevent the cancer from returning a way that you can proactively work to keep the cancer out of your body. You can follow a B17 treatment program.

Taking vitamin B17 along with eating apricot seeds can boost your immune system. Getting started with a B17 treatment program can keep your body from becoming deficient in B17 and, vitamin B17 deficiency has been proven to be the cause of cancer. Haven't heard that before? It's true. Being deficient in vitamin B17 is what causes cancer to be able to run rampant in your body, much like the way that a deficiency in vitamin C can cause the disease called scurvy. It hasn't been well-publicized because the drug companies cannot make money off of cancer prevention, they can only make money off of cancer treatments and cancer drugs.

In any case, keeping your body sufficient in vitamin B17 will help to keep the cancer at bay. How? This vitamin has a special substance called amygdalin in it. Amygdalin contains cyanide but, the cyanide is locked away tight. Only cancer cells have the key to the cyanide. When the amygdalin comes into contact with a cancer cell, the cyanide is unlocked and it destroys the cancer cell. (A neutralizing enzyme is also released to protect the healthy nearby cells from the cyanide.) So, starting a B17 treatment program will mean that your recent chemotherapy was your last, the cancer will not return.

Yes, that's right vitamin B-17 is a natural product, as its source is just a regular, everyday, common fruit. Apricot seeds are what make up vitamin B-17, that's it. This vitamin is a purified form of the substance that is found inside apricot seeds. This substance is called amygdalin, and it is what is used to create vitamin B-17.

That makes taking vitamin B-17 to prevent cancer completely natural. When you take these vitamin tablets available in either 100mg or 500mg strength pills, which can be split to smaller sizes you can be confident in knowing that you are taking a natural product. Apricot Seeds? Really?

It may seem rather strange, but this is, indeed, where vitamin B17 comes from. There's good reasoning behind this, too it wasn't done arbitrarily by some vitamin manufacturer. Apricot seeds contain amygdalin. Amygdalin has cyanide locked away, ready to battle cancer and this cyanide can only be unlocked by a cancer cell because only those cells have the special unlocking enzyme. Once unlocked, the cyanide kills the cancer cell.

Nearby cells aren't harmed because a neutralizing agent is released with the cyanide to protect those cells.
Once this was discovered, a biochemist studied the substance and learned how to purify it. Then, in 1952, amygdalin was given its vitamin status based (at least partly) upon recommendation from the co-founder of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Today, the NCI doesn't readily acknowledge the benefits of vitamin B17, though. Perhaps one day the will and lets hope it's sooner than later.

Joni Bell has more on this subject. Please visit More Info and ask a question.

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Prostate Examination And What To Expect

Before beginning basic outline, let me first say that this information is presented from a traditional, conventional approach to the treatment of prostate cancer, not alternative which is what I advocate. These are processes which one can expect if receiving conventional treatment.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms and is most often discovered by PSA (prostate specific antigen) screening and less commonly by physical examination or by symptoms.

Prostate cancer is uncommon in men less than 45, but becomes more common with advancing age and the risk can be decreased by modifying known risk factors, such as decreasing intake of animal fat. It is the ninth most common cancer in the world, but is the number one non-skin cancer in United States men.

Treatment options vary depending on the man's age, general health and stage of the cancer. Treatment may involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy including brachytherapy (prostate brachytherapy) and external beam radiation, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), chemotherapy, cryosurgery, hormonal therapy, or some combination. Treatments directed at shrinking the cancer often can produce significant pain relief.

Treatments are generally given five days a week for about eight weeks. Options vary based on the stage of the tumor. Screening for prostate cancer is controversial because it is not clear if the benefits of screening outweigh the risks of follow-up diagnostic tests and cancer treatments.

PSA is an enzyme measured in the blood that can rise naturally as men age or if prostate abnormalities are present. PSA levels can change for many reasons other than cancer. There is some current concern about the accuracy of the PSA test and its usefulness. An estimated 20 million PSA tests are done per year in North America and possibly 20 million more outside of North America. Two common causes of high PSA levels are enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)) and infection in the prostate (prostatitis).

Scientists recommend a healthy, well balanced diet rich in fiber, and to reduce intake of meat. As people take a more active role in their health care, many are exploring options of care that fall outside the realm of traditional medicine. There is no doubt that what we put into our bodies relates to the health of our cells. It is not clear if prostate cancer can be prevented but a healthful diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in animal fats may help. This is one of the most important organs of the male anatomy and often gets overlooked around healthy lifestyle issues because it takes a long time for prostate symptoms to appear.

But the good news is that survival rates have improved a great deal. In the past 20 years, 5-year survival rates for all stages of prostate cancer combined have increased from 67% to 99%. If prostate cancer is detected and treated early, the survival rate is high. Like all cancers, the earlier it is found and treated, the greater is the chance of cure and survival.

Prostate cancer often has no symptoms, especially in its beginning stages and finding out your have it may cause you to wonder, as there may be no traces of it in your family history and treatment should be highly individualized.

All prostate cancer patients should use alternative cancer therapies. In general, they should be used prior to beginning conventional treatment. When the prostate cancer patient is receiving conventional treatment, he should also incorporate alternative therapies in order to reduce the side effects of conventional treatment, improve the results, and possibly allow the patient to be able to discontinue the conventional treatments.

Joni Bell provides information from personal experiences and research into cancer related issues for the last ten years. He is considered an expert in the area of alternate cancer treatments. TreatCancer

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Nature Intended a World Without Cancer

Cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States, preceded only by heart disease. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 559,000 U.S. Americans will die from cancer this year. That's about 1,500 people a day!

Excluding non-invasive and bladder cancer, about 1.45 million new cancer cases are expected during 2008.

So how is it that any of us gets cancer in the first place? Is it exposure to cigarette smoking, intense sunlight or perhaps the effect of toxic food additives? Dr. Krebs thinks not. All of the hard, biochemical evidence points to the fact that cancer is a simple deficiency disease of vitamin B17, long ago removed from our highly-refined, western diets. Krebs postulates that the so-called 'carcinogens' are merely stress triggers that finally expose the B17 deficiency with devastating effect.

In 1974, author and political commentator, Edward G. Griffin, published World Without Cancer, summarizing and analyzing Dr. Krebs' finding. Krebs and other holistic such as Dr. Thomas A. Doorman, insist that there is no cure for cancer, but that natural sources such as vitamin B-17 help rid the body of cancer.

The American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association and the FDA call this a "quackery" or a scheme to make money. They say that their tests prove vitamin b-17, also known as Laetrile, is not effective for treating cancer.

According to Griffin, the 1953 California Report continues to be the basis of most scientific or legal opposition to vitamin B-17 today. The report, written by Dr. Henry Garland and Dr. E. M. McDonald of the California Medical Association's Cancer Advisory Commission, claims there is no proof Laetrile is an effective control for cancer.

However, Griffin writes in World Without Cancer that Garland and McDonald actually falsified information from Laetrile experiments cited in the California Report. In fact, 10 years after the report was published, original documents surfaced that proved information had been falsified. Although the report was subsequently updated, additional problems such as insufficient vitamin dosages used in the experiments persisted, and the conclusions of the original California Report remained embedded in the literature and minds of many.

During the same time of the experiments on Laetrile, Garland and McDonald said that there wasn't a connection between lung cancer and cigarette smoking.

Griffin says that studies conducted by groups such as the Sloane-Kettering Institute prove Laetrile is effective, but that they have not been published. Griffin says that the studies were suppressed from "top" directors.

Why would the American Cancer Society and government regulatory agencies suppress the possible wonder of Laetrile?

Mr. Griffin states,"They do that because they're trying to make a buck, and something that is found in nature, like Laetrile, cannot be patented."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 1 percent drop in the cancer death rate would eliminate about $500 billion from U.S. economy over the next hundred years.

Concentrated forms of Laetrile are sold, but Dr. Krebs suggested consuming it naturally. Apricot kernels are potent in vitamin B-17.

Although holistic treatments for cancer vary, they are less costly than traditional methods such as radiation and chemotherapy.

Survival rate estimate for orthodox treatments for advanced cancer is 1/10 of 1 percent while that of holistic approaches is 15 percent.

No matter how useless or harmful common practices may be, consensus medicine demands that they be used by every physician...if a doctor deviates from this pattern and dares to apply nutrition as the basis of his treatment, even he if attains a high degree of success, he is condemned as a quack.

Nature provides an abundance of B17 to keep us healthy. Unfortunately, she puts it in foods that today we've been conditioned into throwing away or avoiding. It seems man has ignored common sense advice going back to ancient times in favor of all the "treats and nutrition" modern manufacturing can provide. Forget the fruit and vegetables. Let's have chips and cola. Sound familiar parents? Our bodies start the road to nutritional imbalance at a young age without us even realizing. We need to learn to think before we eat!

Joni Bell is an advocate of alternative over traditional treatment of cancer and that it can be prevented. Treat All Cancer

Vitamin B17 and the FDA

It seems that a greater number of people these days are taking steps to try to become healthier. People are eating healthier foods and exercising more.

Additionally, people are becoming more aware of the world around them and how they affect that world. People want to know to purchase more locally grown food so as to support local farmers. People are buying organic products so as to support fair trade and people's rights as well as to promote conservatism of the earth's resources.

So, it will make a lot of people interested to know that vitamin B17 comes from something completely natural-apricot seeds. Yes, that's right-vitamin B-17 is a natural product, as its source is just a regular, everyday, common fruit. Apricot seeds are what make up vitamin B-17, that's it. This vitamin is a purified form of the substance that is found inside apricot seeds. This substance is called amygdalin, and it is what is used to create vitamin B-17.

That makes taking vitamin B-17 to prevent cancer completely natural. When you take these vitamin tablets-available in either 100mg or 500mg strength pills, which can be split to smaller sizes-you can be confident in knowing that you are taking a natural product.

It may seem rather strange, but this is, indeed, where vitamin B17 comes from. There's good reasoning behind this, too-it wasn't done arbitrarily by some vitamin manufacturer.

Apricot seeds contain amygdalin. Amygdalin has cyanide locked away, ready to battle cancer-and this cyanide can only be unlocked by a cancer cell because only those cells have the special unlocking enzyme. Once unlocked, the cyanide kills the cancer cell. Nearby cells aren't harmed because a neutralizing agent is released with the cyanide to protect those cells.

Once this was discovered, a biochemist studied the substance and learned how to purify it. Then, in 1952, amygdalin was given its vitamin status based (at least partly) upon recommendation from the co-founder of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Today, the NCI doesn't readily acknowledge the benefits of vitamin B17, though.

After reading a great deal of information about vitamin B17 and amygdaline and laetrile, you will come to find out that thousands of people have been using these substances-either through vitamin B17 tablets, through apricot seeds, or both-to keep themselves cancer-free for many years. In addition, many more people have stated that these products have helped them to cure their cancer more quickly or to keep it in remission for far longer than what doctors had thought possible.

Through reading about all of this on the internet you will also learn that you cannot purchase vitamin B17 in any local pharmacy, drugstore, grocery store, or health food store. Nor can you purchase raw apricot seeds anywhere-except for online. You can find dozens of websites online with testimonials about how these products can-and have been-used as cancer cures and as cancer prevention measures...yet you cannot get in your care and drive somewhere to go and purchase them.?

The reason the FDA will not let stores sell vitamin B17 or apricot seeds is that it has not been scientifically proven that eating apricot seeds or taking vitamin B17 is beneficial to a person's health. The FDA believes that there is not enough scientific data to show that the substance in vitamin B17 and apricot seeds can be effectively used as either a cancer cure or a measure to prevent cancer.

Most people believe that there is an ulterior motive, not enough money. No one can really make any money off of vitamin B17 or off of raw apricot seeds. After all, how can anyone patent cancer cures that are completely natural, like an apricot? There is no money to be made off of this type of cancer treatment; therefore, many people believe that is the true reason behind the FDA stance against vitamin B17 and apricot seeds.

Yes, the FDA is supposed to be protecting the public; however, a recent USA today report showed that over half of the members of FDA advisor's had conflicts of interest-meaning that they had ties to the drug companies. Approving vitamin B17 would mean taking away their profits.

Joni Bell is a natural cancer prevention and treatment specialist with years of experience. He has done various reports on the subject of cancer prevention and treatment and continues his effort to educate people with the good news that we can live cancer free. Cancer Free

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Prostate Cancer 101

Before beginning this outline, let me first say that this information is presented from a traditional, conventional approach to the treatment of prostate cancer, not alternative which is what I advocate. These are processes which one can expect if receiving conventional treatment.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms and is most often discovered by PSA (prostate specific antigen) screening and less commonly by physical examination or by symptoms.

Prostate cancer is uncommon in men less than 45, but becomes more common with advancing age and the risk can be decreased by modifying known risk factors, such as decreasing intake of animal fat. Prostate cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world, but is the number one non-skin cancer in United States men.

Treatment options for prostate cancer vary depending on the man's age, general health and stage of the cancer. Treatment for prostate cancer may involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy including brachytherapy (prostate brachytherapy) and external beam radiation, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), chemotherapy, cryosurgery, hormonal therapy, or some combination. Treatments directed at shrinking the cancer often can produce significant pain relief. Treatments are generally given five days a week for about eight weeks. Options vary based on the stage of the tumor. Screening for prostate cancer is controversial because it is not clear if the benefits of screening outweigh the risks of follow-up diagnostic tests and cancer treatments.

PSA is an enzyme measured in the blood that can rise naturally as men age or if prostate abnormalities are present. PSA levels can change for many reasons other than cancer. There is some current concern about the accuracy of the PSA test and its usefulness. An estimated 20 million PSA tests are done per year in North America and possibly 20 million more outside of North America. Two common causes of high PSA levels are enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)) and infection in the prostate (prostatitis).

Scientists recommend a healthy, well balanced diet rich in fiber, and to reduce intake of meat. As people take a more active role in their health care, many are exploring options of care that fall outside the realm of traditional medicine. There is no doubt that what we put into our bodies relates to the health of our cells. It is not clear if prostate cancer can be prevented but a healthful diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in animal fats may help. This is one of the most important organs of the male anatomy and often gets overlooked around healthy lifestyle issues because it takes a long time for prostate symptoms to appear.

But the good news is that survival rates have improved a great deal. In the past 20 years, 5-year survival rates for all stages of prostate cancer combined have increased from 67% to 99%. If prostate cancer is detected and treated early, the survival rate is high. Like all cancers, the earlier it is found and treated, the greater is the chance of cure and survival.

Prostate cancer often has no symptoms, especially in its beginning stages and finding out your have it may cause you to wonder, as there may be no traces of it in your family history

and treatment should be highly individualized.

All prostate cancer patients should use alternative cancer therapies. In general, they should be used prior to beginning conventional treatment. When the prostate cancer patient is receiving conventional treatment, he should also incorporate alternative therapies in order to reduce the side effects of conventional treatment, improve the results, and possibly allow the patient to be able to discontinue the conventional treatments.

Joni Bell provides information from personal experiences and research into cancer related issues for the last ten years. He is considered an expert in the area of alternate cancer treatments. TreatCancer

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Skin Cancer: Are You at High Risk For Skin Cancer?

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If you have been reading newspaper or listening to news regularly over the past few years, you should have come across several warnings telling us to protect ourselves from skin cancer. Whilst there are many who do pay attention to these cautions, a shocking count of women still ignores them. If you are amongst those women that ignore these warnings, you are likely to think that it's impossible for you to get affected by skin cancer. Again, you might feel it to be no harm, if you miss applying sun tan lotion while moving out.

Skin cancer is not a rare phenomenon, as people consider it to be. Whilst it's true that staying unprotected in the sun for short duration seldom leads to cancer, you might still face its wrath. Most women get affected with skin cancer after exposing themselves to the sun for a long period of time. As a matter of fact, almost 75% of women diagnosed with it every year have a history of constant sun exposure. Although cancer might occur after severe sunburns, it usually results for many years in the sun.

Do you stay long in an open environment for long periods and get frequently bathed by sun without having any protection on your skin? If you do, then are you at high risk for skin cancer? Again, is there any spot on your skin, which has been bothering you for long? Can it be cancerous? If you even have a feeling that the spot can be cancerous, you should immediately schedule a visit with your doctor!

Definite diagnosis can only be made once a biopsy is performed.

Over 99 percent of women, who are diagnosed with cancer on their skin, have:

Basal cell skin cancer: Women developing these sores find that a pimple or a scab grows on their skin, bleeds or drains, and then scabs again. This cycle is seen to continue repeatedly and has been found tough to heal completely.

Squamous skin cancer: It looks similar to basal carcinomas. They also appear rough and have scaly patches on the skin, which do not disappear.

These 2 cancer types usually appear in nose and similar other regions of the skin, which frequently receives direct rays from the sun. Skin of your nose is very much tender, and can be at high risk for non-melanoma cancer. Both basal cell and squamous skin cancer are treatable, if you choose to remove them surgically.

Usually, women develop non-melanoma cancers on their nose or face. However, sometimes melanoma occurs on their face too. Such cancer types spread rapidly and can be deadly, if it stays undetected and untreated in its initial stages. Sometimes, it's difficult to differentiate the two types. This is the reason why you should see a doctor, whenever you notice something wrong with your skin.

If you have a belief that you are at high risks of skin cancer, you should immediately schedule appointments with your doctor. Skin cancers can be successfully treated, if they are caught in their initial stages.

Your life might totally depend on the early detection & diagnosis of a bothersome sore on the skin. So don't even think about delaying!

Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services. Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic.

Side Effects of Radiation For Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer can be cured in most cases, when it s diagnosed in early stages. It is the medical oncologists, gastroenterologists, radiation oncologists and surgeons, who specialize in treating such cancers in women.

Colorectal cancer may be treated depending upon the exact location of the tumour present, its stage and size. Although surgery and chemotherapy (radiation therapy) are the most common treatment methods, many women receive a combined treatment of both these methods. However, recent studies show that there are many side effects of radiation for colorectal cancer.

Radiation Therapy for Colorectal Cancer

Radiation therapy uses high energy rays for killing cancer cells. In fact, it affects the cancer cells lying only in the affected area. Two types of radiation therapies, namely the internal radiation and external radiation, are used for treating colorectal cancer.

Side-effects of Using Radiation Therapy

Although radiation therapy has been mostly successful in the treatment of colorectal cancer, there are many side effects of this technique. These side effects usually depend on the part of the body and the dose of radiation given to the patient. Some common side effects of radiation for colorectal cancer treatment are vomiting, hair loss, extreme tiredness, bleeding, easy bruising and increased susceptibility to different infections.

Women undertaking radiation therapy may experience symptoms like vomiting, nausea, bloody stools, urinary discomfort and diarrhoea. The skin where radiation is given may even become tender, dry or red.

Radiation therapy may also cause alopecia (hair loss) in the area, where treatment is carried out. It may result in partial or full loss of hair on your scalp.

Many women have experienced the side effect of having low white blood cell counts when they have undergone radiation therapy for colorectal cancer. However, this side effect of having low levels of WBC due to radiation is comparatively rare. These cells prevent bleeding and fight your body infection. Radiation therapy can even affect your ability to have children (the same is in the case of your part, if he undergoes the therapy). Hence if you notice this side effect, it is recommended to delay the therapy for about a week.

Some of the other possible side effects resulting from radiation therapy may include discomfort or pressure in the excretory region, burning sensation during urination, fatigue, skin irritation, abdominal cramping, frequent bowel movements and nausea. However, these side effects are temporary, as they tend to resolve after the termination of radiation therapy for colorectal cancer.

Measures for Controlling Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Although these side effects vary with different patients, they can be controlled by using different medications and inflicting changes in your diet. Try to give plenty of rest to your body during this treatment, as you are more likely to get fatigue and feel tired. Do not wear tight clothes and avoid scrubbing, rubbing and putting adhesive tapes on the skin where treatment is done.

Take special care to protect your treated skin from direct sunlight. Since your skin becomes very sensitive during this time, cover it with a dark cloth if possible before going out.

Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services. Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic.

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Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Needs to Know

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Reports say that after lung cancer, breast cancer is the second most deadly and common type of cancer, which accounts for 1% of all deaths and 7% of all cancer deaths. Breast cancer is considered to the fifth common cause responsible for cancer deaths.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

As a woman, you should be well aware of breast cancer, its symptoms and treatment. According to doctors, the subjective and first symptom of breast cancer is a development of a typical lump in your breast. This lump is quite different from the breast tissue surrounding it and you can notice it by careful examination.

But, breast cancer is not only determined by the lump, which appears in your breast. Studies reveal that if you are having lumps located in the lymph nodes in your collar bone or armpits, you are more likely to have breast cancer. It is the mammogram, which is done by doctors in the region of the detected lump to confirm the case of breast cancer.

But all women don't develop the same symptoms of breast cancer. Other indications of breast cancer apart from a lump include nipple inversion, skin dimpling, spontaneous single nipple discharge or change in the shape and size of the breast. If you are having pain in your breast, don't take it as breast cancer as it is an unreliable tool for confirming the menace.

After the invasion of the breast cancer cells in the region of dermal lymphatics, you are more likely to get skin inflammation in your breast. This phenomenon is often termed as inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Women, having inflammatory breast cancer, may develop several symptoms, which include an orange peel appearance of the skin in the breast of region, redness and warmth in the breast with extreme pain and swelling. Other symptoms indicating the presence of breast cancer in your body is increased sensitivity, burning, itching and tingling of the breast region.

Look For Immediate Attention from Your Doctor

Women developing the above symptoms of breast cancer should immediately contact their doctor. Cases of breast cancer can be diagnosed with proper examination of surgically removed tissue from the breast. Procedures of removing tissues include local surgical excision, core needle biopsy, ductal cleavage, fine needle aspiration and nipple aspirates. After this, some imaging tests such as bone scan, chest X-ray, PET scanning and MRI are conducted to confirm breast cancer.

Therapies for Treating Breast Cancer

With the advancement of medical studies, women may not worry any more, if they are having breast cancer. Surgery is the mainstay of the treatment of breast cancer, where the tumour in the breast is localised followed by adjuvant hormonal therapies in that region. Some other popular treatment methods of breast cancer are chemotherapy, immune therapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy.

One more innovative and modern method of treating breast cancer is Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy (ILT). It is a minimal invasive process and there is absolutely no need for surgical removal of the breast tissue. Doctors also recommend this treatment, as no side effects are noticed in this process and the patient remains healthy.

Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services. Orlando Women's Center. Second, And Late Term Abortions Clinic.

What Is Bone Cancer And Can It Be Prevented

Cancer of the bone or bone cancer is a general term used when cancer cells are seen in the bone. Cancer that begins in the bone is called primary bone cancer. It is found most often in the arms and legs but it can occur in any bone in the body. Children and young people are more likely than adults to have bone cancers.

Primary bone cancers are called sarcomas. There are several different types of sarcoma and each type begins in a different kind of bone tissue. The most common sarcomas are osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma.

In young people, the most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma, usually occurring between the ages of ten and twenty-five. More often, males are affected than females. Osteosarcoma frequently starts in the ends of the bones; where new bone tissue forms as a young person grows, usually affecting the long bones of the arms and legs. Ewing’s sarcoma usually affects teenagers, and is mostly found in people between ten and twenty-five years old.

This cancer forms in the middle part (shaft) of large bones and most often affects the hip bones and long bones in the thigh and upper arm, but can also occur in the ribs. Chondrosarcoma is a type of tumor that forms in the cartilage (rubbery tissue around the joints) and are found mainly in adults. Other types of bone cancer include fibrosarcoma (malignant giant cell tumor) and chordoma. These are rare cancers and most often affects people over thirty.

The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. However, symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer. Sometimes firm, slightly tender lump on the bone can be felt through the skin. Sometimes bone cancer interferes with normal movements and can also weaken or cause bones to break. Tumors that occur in or near joints may cause swelling and tenderness in the affected area. Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia. It is important to check with a doctor when you experience these symptoms, but these symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions.

Conventional treatment for some bone tumors may involve surgery, such as limb amputation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be effective in some tumors (such as Ewing's sarcoma) but less so in others (such as chondrosarcoma). After treatment has been done for bone cancer, it is very important that regular follow-up or check-ups are done with your doctor, to be sure that cancer has not come back and treat it promptly if it does. Check-ups may be physical exam, x-rays, scans, blood tests, and other laboratory tests.

People who have been diagnosed of bone cancer may have many physical, emotional, practical worries. They may worry that removal of a limb or other surgery will affect not only how they look but how other people would feel about them. Patients can be helped to overcome all these through special support groups for youngsters with cancer and their families. The American Cancer Society, for example, is a nonprofit organization that has many services for patients and their families.

All types of cancer are traumatic for everyone involved. The keyword is prevention. There are natural supplements that work. Unfortunately we don't hear much about these supplements unless we investigate and search them out. Most of them fall under the conflicted interest of quack watchers because if it isn't manufactured by the drug companies, it can't possibly work. Sure there is some good being done in mainstream medicine, but when doors continually stay closed to alternative preventions and treatments, it's more than mere coincidence.

Take care of your health and realize you can live cancer free.

Jonathan Bell has answers on how you can live cancer free. Discover the truths and myths once and for all. For more information you can visit us at DeMystifying Cancer
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General Synopsis of Male Breast Cancer

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Though far less common than in women, men's breast cancer is possible. According to the American Cancer Society, over 2000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, meaning men account for approximately 1% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed nationally. To gain more understanding about this lesser known male disease, take a look below.

Male Breast Cancer Symptoms

Though most lumps or changes in the breast for men are benign (not cancerous) abnormalities, men should still report any major changes, irritations or problems to their doctors as soon as possible.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are actually quite similar to the symptoms for women. These include nipple inversion, detecting a lump, unexplained tissue growth, change in breast size, skin puckering or dimpling, nipple discharge, itchiness or redness.

Men generally have less breast tissue than women, making it much easier to detect lumps. However, this also means the cancer can spread to other parts of the body more quickly than in women. This is why early detection is so critical for men.

Contributing Factors for Men's Breast Cancer

Elder Age

Most men diagnosed with male breast cancer are between the ages of 60 and 70.

Family History

Approximately 20 percent of men with breast cancer have one or more close family members who have or have had the disease.

Prior Radiation Exposure

Radiation exposure to the chest (for example, past treatment for lung cancer) can be a risk factor for the development of male breast cancer.

History of Liver Diseases

The liver works to regulate hormones, meaning men who have survived liver failure or liver disease often have lower levels of androgens, the male hormones. Those low levels can put them at a higher risk for developing breast cancer or non-cancerous tissue growth.

Estrogen Therapy

Often men who are being treated for prostate cancer are put on estrogen treatments to help control the disease. These men may be at a higher risk for developing breast cancer. That said, the American Cancer Society says those risks are small and worth the benefits of improved health for prostate cancer patients.


Typically, men are born with one Y chromosome and one X chromosome. Klinefelter's Syndrome is when a man is born with two or more X chromosomes (female chromosomes). Approximately 1 in 850 men were born with Klinefelter's.

Men with this syndrome generally have lower levels of androgens and higher levels of estrogen and are therefore at a greater risk for developing male breast cancer.

How Breast Cancer in Men is Treated

Methods for treating men's breast cancer include surgical removal of the tumor and any cancerous cells, chemo, radiation therapy, hormone therapy or a combination of all these treatments.

The survival rates for men with breast cancer often depend on the stage of the disease but range from 96% for stage I diagnosis to 24% for a stage IV diagnosis.

Men experiencing symptoms of breast cancer may be inhibited through embarrassment from requesting the assessment of a qualified physician. But given the severity of any type of cancer, the potential risk merits an extra effort to swallow one's pride and make sure.

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Beat Cancer Without Chemo Poisoning

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Most docs would never accept this barbaric cancer treatment.

Why should you?

This year, an estimated 1.4 million Americans will receive the most frightening diagnosis in medicine -- cancer. Most will spend months or years receiving deadly chemotherapy drugs that wither away their bodies, leave them depressed, and shred their immune systems.

And these patients may never realize that they are part of one of the greatest cons in the history of modern medicine.

Outrageous? No way. 73% of doctors surveyed said they would NEVER accept chemotherapy for themselves. And why should they, when there are safer and more effective cancer treatments available. Sure, chemotherapy is great if you want nausea, hair loss and depression...and no guarantee you'll live.

There can be easier, safer and more natural ways to survive. One nightmarish day, you're told you have the "Big C." As if that's not bad enough, next the "specialists" start throwing around words like "chemo" and "radiation," and your head really begins to swim. And then they start to sharpen their scalpels...

They call this science...medicine? It's absurd. Because so many truly effective tests and therapies are absolutely safe, cheap and simple. You'll be shocked by how many powerful alternatives you have––and can easily afford.

Sure, conventional medicine wants you to believe that surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are your only weapons against cancer. Maybe it's because the average cancer patient represents a $500,000 payday for the cancer treatment system. They're making money while destroying your health.

Did you know that 75% of the average oncologist's "take home pay" is profit from the chemo drugs he gives to his patients. Your oncologist is just doing his job, working with information that's been approved by our fabulously corrupt Food and Drug Administration and his overlords at the American Medical Association. Cancer therapies are built on myths and lies. The hypocrisy is amazing.

Before you submit yourself to toxic tests and "therapies" that so often just increase your pain and suffering, doesn't it make sense to know all of your options?

Recently, when one of the world's largest cancer centers surveyed oncologists about how they would treat their own cancers, almost 90% said they would refuse chemotherapy. They said that chemotherapy drugs were ineffective and have an unacceptable degree of toxicity.

The pathetic fact is that by shrinking tumors, chemotherapy encourages stronger cancer cells to grow and multiply, becoming chemo-resistant. Then there are the new cancers caused by chemotherapy, or secondary cancers. Somehow they forget to mention this life-threatening detail on the list of "side effects" in a drug's accompanying literature.

You're not a number, you're a human being. The powers that be-the puffed-up politicos, greedy mega-corporations and profit-obsessed pharmaceutical companies won't have you believe it for a second. They want you to be like a dog on a leash. The minute the dog starts to think for themselves and do some exploring, the leash gets jerked back. Pretty soon, the dog stops exploring, content to go where his leader lets him.

The truth is, good health is a matter of common sense and having a healthy dose of cynicism about what the "authorities" have to say about what's good for you--and what's not.

For instance, Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that "health authorities" are adding to your water. For example...

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm...Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

Here's another one, recently, Merck & Co. withdrew Vioxx, its COX-2 arthritis drug, from the market after a study found it doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke. Since then, the company has put out at least four press releases defending the safety of other COX-2 inhibitors.

In case you're curious, it wasn't caring doctors who wrote these press releases. No, you are being encouraged to continue taking a dangerous drug by marketers-professionals who are paid to "spin" any story, however controversial, so it comes out smelling like roses. This is science-by-press-release-and it stinks like yesterday's tuna!

It's interesting to note that Pfizer's Bextra is now recognized as a dangerous drug and Merck's Vioxx is off the market for the same reason, but Pfizer's other COX-2 drug, Celebrex is still being sold to trusting patients all over the world.

It truly boggles the mind. Here we are, supposedly the healthiest, wealthiest nation on the planet, and many state health departments continue to churn out a daily flood of lies, half-truths and old wives tales designed to scare us into submission.

There is some good information out there, and there is some garbage. We have to be able to sort through the meat and throw out the bones.

Jonathan Bell would love to hear from you, whether it be a question or comment or you may want some more information, just visit No To Cancer

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What is Bone Cancer and Can It Be Prevented?

Cancer of the bone or bone cancer is a general term used when cancer cells are seen in the bone. Cancer that begins in the bone is called primary bone cancer. It is found most often in the arms and legs but it can occur in any bone in the body. Children and young people are more likely than adults to have bone cancers.

Primary bone cancers are called sarcomas. There are several different types of sarcoma and each type begins in a different kind of bone tissue. The most common sarcomas are osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma.

In young people, the most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma, usually occurring between the ages of ten and twenty-five. More often, males are affected than females. Osteosarcoma frequently starts in the ends of the bones; where new bone tissue forms as a young person grows, usually affecting the long bones of the arms and legs.

Ewing's sarcoma usually affects teenagers, and is mostly found in people between ten and twenty-five years old.

This cancer forms in the middle part (shaft) of large bones and most often affects the hip bones and long bones in the thigh and upper arm, but can also occur in the ribs.

Chondrosarcoma is a type of tumor that forms in the cartilage (rubbery tissue around the joints) and is found mainly in adults.

Other types of bone cancer include fibrosarcoma (malignant giant cell tumor) and chordoma. These are rare cancers and most often affects people over thirty.

The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. However, symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer. Sometimes firm, slightly tender lump on the bone can be felt through the skin. Sometimes bone cancer interferes with normal movements and can also weaken or cause bones to break.

Tumors that occur in or near joints may cause swelling and tenderness in the affected area. Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia. It is important to check with a doctor when you experience these symptoms, but these symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions.

Conventional treatment for some bone tumors may involve surgery, such as limb amputation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be effective in some tumors (such as Ewing's sarcoma) but less so in others (such as chondrosarcoma).

After treatment has been done for bone cancer, it is very important that regular follow-up or check-ups are done with your doctor, to be sure that cancer has not come back and treat it promptly if it does. Check-ups may be physical exam, x-rays, scans, blood tests, and other laboratory tests.

People who have been diagnosed of bone cancer may have many physical, emotional, practical worries. They may worry that removal of a limb or other surgery will affect not only how they look but how other people would feel about them.

Patients can be helped to overcome all these through special support groups for youngsters with cancer and their families. The American Cancer Society, for example, is a nonprofit organization that has many services for patients and their familes.

All types of cancer are traumatic for everyone involved. The keyword is prevention. There are natural supplements that work. Unfortunately we don't hear much about these supplements unless we investigate and search them out. Most of them fall under the conflicted interest of quack watchers because if it isn't manufactured by the drug companies, it can't possibly work.

Sure there is some good being done in mainstream medicine, but when doors continually stay closed to alternative preventions and treatments, it's more than mere coincidence.

Take care of your health and realize you can live cancer free.

Joni Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. Demystifying Cancer

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4 Possible Colon Cancer Symptoms

section of the digestive tract (usually the colon or rectum). It is responsible for over 16,000 deaths in the UK each year and is therefore one of the most dangerous types of cancer around. There are a number of symptoms which could indicate that you have bowel cancer. In this article I will be discussing these signs and symptoms and hopefully give you the information to identify this disease sooner rather than later.

Unlike other conditions where the symptoms are often clear and easy to identify, colon cancer symptoms are usually vague and more difficult to spot. As the cancer becomes more advanced and the tumour grows, the symptoms become more noticeable. However, by this time it is often more difficult to treat the cancer effectively. That is why it is essential for you to be on the lookout for signs of bowel cancer at all times. There are many symptoms associated with this type of cancer but below I have outlined four of the most common.

1) BLOOD IN THE STOOLS OR RECTAL BLEEDING:- This is probably the number one symptom of colon cancer. With this type of cancer the tumour develops in the final section of the digestive tract. Therefore, if the tumour bleeds some of this blood usually comes out of the rectum or in your stools. The bleeding is not usually significant but if you notice any at all then you should inform your doctor immediately.

2) PAIN IN THE STOMACH:- If the tumour gets large enough it can cause a blockage in your colon. This blockage can prevent solids, fluids or gases passing through your bowel which then leads to cramps and pains. In the worst cases, the tumour can grow so large that it breaks through your bowel wall which again causes major stomach pains. Although stomach pains are associated with multiple conditions, any prolonged pains could be indicative of colon cancer. If you experience these pains for an extended period go and see your doctor right away.

3) DIFFERENT BOWEL MOVEMENTS:- If the tumour becomes large it can also have an impact on your bowel movements. The blockage created by a large tumour can prevent stools from passing through the colon leading to constipation (difficulty passing stools). It can also cause a build up of fluid behind the tumour which eventually leaks through leading to diarrhea (difficulty controlling your bowel movements because your stools have become watery). If you notice any unusual bowel movements, particularly for long periods, this could be a sign of colorectal cancer and you should consult your doctor.

4) UNEXPECTED WEIGHT LOSS:- Sometimes tumours release chemicals which increase your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories than usual. Therefore, if you experience any unexpected or unexplained weight loss you should consult your doctor and get yourself tested for bowel cancer. Even if the weight loss is not linked to cancer it is still advisable to see your doctor because any weight loss that you cannot account for is likely to have some underlying cause.

As you can see from this article the symptoms of colon cancer are not always obvious and easy to identify. However, I hope this article has shown you some of the things you should be looking out for. Bowel cancer is much more treatable if it is caught in the early stages so if you notice any of the above symptoms do not take any chances. Go see your doctor right away and get a professional verdict.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Colon cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

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Sakit jantung waktu pagi?

KEMARAHAN boleh merangsang serangan sakit jantung. Tetapi, begitu juga dengan keadaan yang terlalu panas atau sejuk, pencemaran udara, kurang tidur, kesedihan, makan berlebihan, bencana alam, senaman mahupun seks.
Sesungguhnya serangan jantung, strok dan degupan jantung berhenti boleh berlaku secara tiba-tiba. Tetapi, edisi jurnal Harvard Heart Letter baru-baru ini mendedahkan kebanyakan masanya kejadian ini berlaku sewaktu bangun pagi.

Sebelum bangun, tubuh kita membebaskan hormon tekanan ke dalam aliran darah untuk membolehkan kita memperoleh tenaga untuk bangun tidur. Namun, keadaan ini juga boleh memberi sedikit tekanan kepada jantung.

Tekanan yang sedikit ini boleh mengakibatkan berlakunya masalah serangan jantung jika salah satu daripada arteri dipenuhi dengan plak-plak yang kaya dengan kolesterol.

Dehidrasi yang lazimnya berlaku selepas semalaman tidur juga boleh memberi risiko kepada sistem peredaran tersekat dengan plak. Tambahan pula, ubatan untuk jantung turut berkurangan sepanjang malam.

Jadi, apabila seseorang melenting, maka peluang mendapat serangan jantung bertambah sehingga 14 kali selama dua jam selepas naik angin.

Selain itu, aktiviti lasak seperti berlari boleh juga memberi rangsang yang sama. Namun, bagi yang melakukan senaman secara kerap, kemungkinan untuk perkara ini berlaku berkurangan. Justeru itu, pastikan senaman menjadi sebahagian daripada gaya hidup sihat.

Penyakit-penyakit berjangkit seperti pneumonia dan flu boleh juga meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung dan strok. Akan tetapi, realitinya, kebanyakan orang masa ini tidak mempunyai tidur yang cukup, makan berlebihan, terlalu panas, kerap bertengkar dan mendapat selesema tanpa diserang penyakit jantung.

"Apa pun alasannya, anda boleh belajar mengelakkan rangsangan serangan jantung setelah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang disebutkan tadi," demikian menurut Letter.

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3 Popular Colon Cancer Treatments

Colon cancer (also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer) is any cancer that affects the final part of the digestive system (usually the colon or rectum). It starts of as a polyp (fleshy growth) in the colon which then becomes cancerous and starts to multiply uncontrollably. Bowel cancer is believed to cause over 16,000 deaths in the UK each year and is one of the most common cancer types. However, it can be treated and in this article I will be outlining three of the most effective colorectal cancer treatments.

1) SURGERY:- This is one of the most popular colon cancer treatments particularly if the cancer is still in the early stages. The aim of surgery is to remove the cancerous cells from the bowel. Generally, the side effects of colorectal cancer surgery are minimal. You may experience some pain or eating problems post surgery but this generally goes away a few days after the surgery. However, in some cases colon cancer surgery will lead to more significant side effects such as bleeding, sexual problems and the need for a permanent colostomy (a surgical procedure where part of the colon is connected to the abdominal wall).

2) CHEMOTHERAPY:- This type of colorectal cancer treatment involves using drugs that can kill cancer cells. It may be used as an alternative to surgery, particularly if the colon cancer has become more advanced and surgery is no longer an option. It may also be used before surgery to shrink the tumour (so that there is less chance of complications during surgery) or after surgery (to eliminate any cancer cells that the surgery may have missed and to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back). There are a number of side effects related to chemotherapy including nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea and hair loss. However, these side effects should subside when your chemotherapy treatment ends.

3) RADIOTHERAPY:- This type of bowel cancer treatment involves using high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiotherapy; internal (where radioactive material is placed directly into the tumour) or external (where radioactive beams are aimed at the tumour). Generally, radiotherapy is not a popular colorectal cancer treatment with surgery and chemotherapy usually given priority. However, in some cases it may be used instead of surgery, especially if the cancer has become too large for surgery to treat effectively. It may also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy to help shrink tumours in the colon before surgery. The side effects of radiotherapy usually only affect the area being radiated and are therefore specific to that part of the body. Like with chemotherapy, any side effects of radiotherapy normally disappear once the treatment stops.

Being diagnosed with bowel cancer may come as a shock to you. However, the good news is that there are treatment options available. This article has discussed three of these options briefly but to get the overall picture you should go and see your doctor. They will be able to fully explain all the options available to you and give a professional opinion on the treatment which is most suitable.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Colon cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

Tom Parker owns and operates a number of useful fitness resources and websites. You can learn more about the different types of colon cancer treatment and get a free Free Fitness Tip every day for a full year by visiting his fitness websites.
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Here's What You Probably Don't Know About Lung Cancer

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If you experience shortness of breath, and similar symptoms, it is absolutely necessary to familiarize yourself with lung cancer. Lung cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells begin to accumulate and spread in the lungs. In the early stages of this disease, it is not common to experience a lot of symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more and more evident. If you learn about the lung cancer symptoms early on, it may be possible to prevent the spread of the abnormal cells in this area of the body.

While cancer in the lungs has been deemed as one of the leading causes of death in individuals, it has also been deemed as one of the most preventable types of disease. This cancer is related to the choice that many people make and that is smoking. While there are cases of this type of cancer occurring in a nonsmoker, these cases are relatively rare. Most that develop this condition not only smoke, but are genetically at risk for the disease as well. There are many cases in which a person who has never smoked acquires this type of cancer. Most of these cases involve those that have been exposed to second hand smoke on a regular basis throughout their lifetime.

There are a number of symptoms of cancer in the lungs. The following represents some of the most common symptoms that may be experienced:

1. Many people will start to develop a cough that occurs on a regular basis.

2. For many, this cough will go away, but for the ones that continue to experience the cough, concerns should be evaluated by a medical professional.

3. For many, this type of cancer makes itself known by pain that is felt in the chest area. This is often a dull pain, but pain that never seems to really go away on its own.

4. Many who have found that they have this condition have discovered that they have shortness of breath on a regular basis. This is typically caused by a growth in and around the lung area that is considered to be abnormal.

5. Having regular infections that involve the respiratory system may also be an indication that cancer is present in the lungs. These infections may include mild to severe bronchitis, or even pneumonia in some instances.

In conclusion, as stated here, lung cancer typically occurs in individuals who smoke on a regular basis. However, secondhand smoke and similar culprits can result in an individual who does not smoke to acquire the condition. If you find that you have a high chance of developing lung cancer, it is important that you learn all that you are able to about the condition. This way, you can work closely with your doctor to ensure that your risk factors are reduced and that you are treated in time if abnormal cell development does occur.

Jenni Snook is the chief writer of http://www.Stage4CancerSite.com, a website dedicated to giving people important yet practical information on the many types of stage 4 cancer.

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Optimize Cancer Prevention With Apricot Seeds and Vitamin B17

If you are just learning about cancer prevention, you are probably both amazed and confused by a great many things. It is probably shocking for you to find out that the FDA is not standing behind vitamin B17, which could be one of the greatest discoveries about cancer prevention in your lifetime. It probably amazes you that the little tiny apricot seeds can do so much to help people avoid cancer. Not the least, it probably confuses you just a little.

After all, there are dozens of different websites about cancer prevention with apricot seeds and vitamin B17 tablets. How are you supposed to know whether it really is best to only eat the apricot seeds, as some sites say? Or should you do what some sites suggest and just take the vitamin B17 tablets? Perhaps the other sites are right, and you should actually do both eat apricot seeds and take vitamin B17 tablets. It can be awfully confusing trying to figure out what you should do.

What should you do?

The best way to look at is it to consider the two different forms. The apricot seeds are, indeed, the best form of cancer prevention. Experts say that it is always better to get nutrients from the raw source whenever possible, this is true for all vitamins, not just for vitamin B17. For example, eating a serving of grapefruit is a much better way to get some vitamin C than taking a vitamin C tablet simply because the human body is better capable of metabolizing the vitamin from the food.

Vitamin B17 tablets should be looked at as a supplement. Since you can never be certain that you are getting enough amygdalin from the apricot seeds (because they vary in size, weight, and composition), you should ingest some amygdalin in a supplement form as well so that you always get enough of the substance in your body. So, you should definitely take one or two vitamin B17 100mg tablets per day.

Can I Take Vitamin B17 Tablets with Apricot Seeds?

It is likely that you have a history of cancer in your family. Perhaps your aunt had ovarian cancer, or maybe your grandfather suffered from lung cancer. Maybe you have a distant cousin who has dealt with skin cancer on several occasions. Even if you are not aware of the health records of every one of your extended relatives, chances are there are at least a few instances of cancer in your family history. It can be somewhat scary to think that you are probably genetically linked to at least a few different forms of cancer.

This is why so many people work hard to keep in shape and to try to stay healthy. However, even that isn't enough in some cases which is why a lot of people turn to vitamin B17. Taking vitamin B17 can help prevent cancer.

Laetrile is another name for vitamin B17, that is its chemical name. Vitamin B17 is basically the purified form of amygdalin, which comes from apricot seeds. So, the three names can be used interchangeably.

Ways of Ingesting Vitamin B17

You can take vitamin B17 in tablet form or, you can eat apricot seeds. Both of these methods will work to provide you with the necessary amygdalin to keep the cancer cells from invading your body. Additionally, in stronger doses, both can work (in some cases) to help fight cancer or to keep it in remission.

Many people wonder if it will boost their body's immune system if they eat apricot seeds and take vitamin B17 tablets at the same time. This is certainly possible, in fact, many of the highly noted amygdalin researchers do, indeed, take both vitamin B17 tablets and eat apricot seeds.

There are some detailed cancer preventative protocols and metabolic therapies outlined on the internet that specifically suggest eating a certain number of apricot seeds per day and taking vitamin B17 tablets those same days. So, it is safe to say that this is probably a good idea if done correctly. Make sure to research first to find the best dosage for your body weight.

Now you know what to do, not so confusing anymore, is it?

Joni Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. Ask Joni Bell

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